Thursday, September 6, 2007

Time with Aunt Whitney

Yesterday was quite an eventful day. My mom's surgery went really good. There was good and not so great news. The not so good news was once he got the ovary out the back side looked a little scary. The good news was he got all the cysts out in one piece. He ran a blood test before the surgery. It came back very positive, which most likely means no cancer, but we'll know for sure after it gets back from the lab. She did great during the surgery. She was in a lot of pain afterwards, so they decided to keep her overnight.

Whitney came up and stayed the night with us last night. We stayed up way to late! But, it was great fun to have her here! Taylor LOVES to play with her. Whitney's getting better and better with Taylor everytime they see each other. Whitney gave her a bath last night. These are the cute pictures from it! Enjoy!!

Here are a few pictures I just loved from Whitney's wedding. I had to share them too!

1 comment:

The Skipper Family in Azle said...

Taylor is really beginning to look like her mommy. Especially in the picture of the two of you when she just got out of the bath tub. She is a doll.