Saturday, September 22, 2007

On the Move

Taylor is crawling!! She has been crawling the last two and a half days. She is so cute doing it! She's pulling up too. I haven't seen it yet, but mom and Derek have. She pulled up on her toy box and on the couch. I can't wait to see her do it!

She's still sick, so say a prayer for her. She still feels crummy, but I think its a little better. Two ear infections and a sore throat are hard on a little one. We are all taking turns sleeping with her. Whenever she lays down on her back, she starts coughing really bad. So, we are spoling her a lot by holding her so she can sit up and sleep.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I can't wait until I get to post that! The crawling, not the sicky. :(

I thought if I posted a comment, you could link over to my blog. :)

Have a good rest of the week!