Friday, September 28, 2007

Pictures from GG and Granddad's visit

GG giving Taylor kisses

Three generations.

Taylor's first Nutty Bar! YUM!! She LOVED it, and made a great big mess.

Granddad and Taylor. What an adorable picture!! We've had so much fun with them here the last few days!

Granddad is helping her jump. She loves to play with Granddad and copy what he does.

Four Generations

Taylor and two of her great-grandmothers, Mema and GG.

Taylor, GG, and Granddaddy. Taylor was telling GG something very important. Too bad we can't understand her yet.

Taylor's new Pajamas. She was laughing so hard!

They came with a hat and it made her look like a Christmas elf.

Taylor and Mommy!

We're all ready for Christmas. She loves this Frosty. You touch it and it starts to sing a song and sways.

Aren't these overalls the cutest?

1 comment:

The Skipper Family in Azle said...

She is so sweet. I am so ready to see ya'll. Taylor and Cole are going to have a blast together.