Saturday, September 1, 2007

Home Alone

Well, Derek is out of town for the weekend. Taylor and I had some fun taking some cute pictures. I had to share them with you! She's almost crawling and was getting sleepy. She's gotten so much more photogenic. Well, I guess I've gotten a little faster at capturing her smiles too.

Since Derek is in Oklahoma helping my grandparents move, Taylor and I are having lots of fun. We're going to go hit the pool later and make some huge splashes.
I am so amazed at how much she has changed over the last few months. In some of the other pictures I took of her, she really looks a lot like Whitney. She's lost a lot of that baby look and is looking more and more like a little girl.
We are already missing Derek and can't wait for Monday to get here so he'll be home to share in the fun with us!

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