Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More cute pictures!

Taylor is just almost crawling. She is doing the army crawl, and taking a few little crawling steps. Soon, she'll be everywhere. She has a little stuffy nose, so we're going to see the doctor tomorrow. Better safe than sorry!

Work is going great. I might start working there full time, can't decide yet. Taylor is loving spending time with my parents and grandparents, but she still misses her dad a lot! Me too.

Taylor went to her first football game on Friday. She loved it. She actually slept for part of it, but she loved the band. It was Homecoming, so of course she loved all the mums and bells too. She'd clap when everyone else did. It sounded like she was saying, "Yeah, Panthers!" It was great to see some old friends! Dad and I had a good time with her!

My other set of grandparents will be here this weekend so I'm sure we will have some more pictures up soon. Enjoy these cute ones!

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