Friday, September 28, 2007

Pictures from GG and Granddad's visit

GG giving Taylor kisses

Three generations.

Taylor's first Nutty Bar! YUM!! She LOVED it, and made a great big mess.

Granddad and Taylor. What an adorable picture!! We've had so much fun with them here the last few days!

Granddad is helping her jump. She loves to play with Granddad and copy what he does.

Four Generations

Taylor and two of her great-grandmothers, Mema and GG.

Taylor, GG, and Granddaddy. Taylor was telling GG something very important. Too bad we can't understand her yet.

Taylor's new Pajamas. She was laughing so hard!

They came with a hat and it made her look like a Christmas elf.

Taylor and Mommy!

We're all ready for Christmas. She loves this Frosty. You touch it and it starts to sing a song and sways.

Aren't these overalls the cutest?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

On the Move

Taylor is crawling!! She has been crawling the last two and a half days. She is so cute doing it! She's pulling up too. I haven't seen it yet, but mom and Derek have. She pulled up on her toy box and on the couch. I can't wait to see her do it!

She's still sick, so say a prayer for her. She still feels crummy, but I think its a little better. Two ear infections and a sore throat are hard on a little one. We are all taking turns sleeping with her. Whenever she lays down on her back, she starts coughing really bad. So, we are spoling her a lot by holding her so she can sit up and sleep.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More cute pictures!

Taylor is just almost crawling. She is doing the army crawl, and taking a few little crawling steps. Soon, she'll be everywhere. She has a little stuffy nose, so we're going to see the doctor tomorrow. Better safe than sorry!

Work is going great. I might start working there full time, can't decide yet. Taylor is loving spending time with my parents and grandparents, but she still misses her dad a lot! Me too.

Taylor went to her first football game on Friday. She loved it. She actually slept for part of it, but she loved the band. It was Homecoming, so of course she loved all the mums and bells too. She'd clap when everyone else did. It sounded like she was saying, "Yeah, Panthers!" It was great to see some old friends! Dad and I had a good time with her!

My other set of grandparents will be here this weekend so I'm sure we will have some more pictures up soon. Enjoy these cute ones!

Friday, September 7, 2007

More Visitors

Nana, Papa, Aunt D and Mimi all came up to watch a football game and stopped in to see Taylor. Here are some of the pictures. Taylor really wanted to play with Papa's toothpick. She showed them how close she is to crawling. It was a nice visit.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Time with Aunt Whitney

Yesterday was quite an eventful day. My mom's surgery went really good. There was good and not so great news. The not so good news was once he got the ovary out the back side looked a little scary. The good news was he got all the cysts out in one piece. He ran a blood test before the surgery. It came back very positive, which most likely means no cancer, but we'll know for sure after it gets back from the lab. She did great during the surgery. She was in a lot of pain afterwards, so they decided to keep her overnight.

Whitney came up and stayed the night with us last night. We stayed up way to late! But, it was great fun to have her here! Taylor LOVES to play with her. Whitney's getting better and better with Taylor everytime they see each other. Whitney gave her a bath last night. These are the cute pictures from it! Enjoy!!

Here are a few pictures I just loved from Whitney's wedding. I had to share them too!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Home Alone

Well, Derek is out of town for the weekend. Taylor and I had some fun taking some cute pictures. I had to share them with you! She's almost crawling and was getting sleepy. She's gotten so much more photogenic. Well, I guess I've gotten a little faster at capturing her smiles too.

Since Derek is in Oklahoma helping my grandparents move, Taylor and I are having lots of fun. We're going to go hit the pool later and make some huge splashes.
I am so amazed at how much she has changed over the last few months. In some of the other pictures I took of her, she really looks a lot like Whitney. She's lost a lot of that baby look and is looking more and more like a little girl.
We are already missing Derek and can't wait for Monday to get here so he'll be home to share in the fun with us!