Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well, I know it's been entirely too long since I last posted on this page! Things have been really crazy around here. Taylor and I are living with my parents right now. We are all six moved into the new house now. We really like it. It is nice for now. Taylor and I will be getting our own place soon. We need our own space, but it's so wonderful to have family.

I've been thinking about family a lot lately. Family can be anyone. Just because they are related, does not make them actual family. Real family are the people who always stick beside you and do whatever they can to support you. They are the ones who call to check on you, or just to chat because they know you need it. They are the people who really care. The people who will go through the tough stuff with you, just because it's the right thing to do. I love my real family. I really do!! To those of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Many of you know how incredibly hard the last few months have been, but you have been there by my side, listening and really supporting me. You'll never ever know how truly thankful Taylor and I are!

So, now here's what you really came for . . . new pictures!!

What a beautiful smile!!

Aren't the pumpkins cute! She liked doing this!

Mommy, what is inside here? Can I eat it??

It was a wonderful first Halloween!

Just a cute picture, she got caught doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing!

I LOVE this picture! She was the cutest cow I've ever seen!

She laughed everytime she saw her reflection in a mirror!!

Look at that cute tail! She was all over the yard exploring!

Mommy and Taylor. We were all bundled up, it was cold outside!

Isn't she adorable? Look at that tongue!

We had a great Halloween. Taylor was the most adorable cow I've ever seen! She's such a happy baby! She loves to smile, talk and laugh. She's been the greatest blessing in my entire life. She really makes me slow down and be thankful for all the blessing I do have in my life.

Taylor and I made a trip down to Dallas a few weekends ago. I can not believe I did not get one single picture from that trip. I have the most adorable neice and nephew ever! Taylor had so much fun playing with them. Thank you to Josh and Cindy for letting us come crash at your place! Check out their page too! Ok, now you guys are on the spot and have to updated it too!

Check back soon, I'll try really hard to keep the pictures coming more frequently!


Allison said...

I wish I would have known you were here! I would have loved to see you! Maybe next time. :)

The Skipper Family in Azle said...

We had so much fun seeing ya'll here in Dallas. We are so looking forward to seeing you Thanksgiving weekend. Can't wait! Love the Halloween pictures. Taylor is a doll. Glad to hear she had a blast on Halloween. Hopefully we will get out page up and updated sometime soon.