Monday, July 21, 2008

New Life

This has been a wild year already. Things are better than they ever have been! Life is great, for the first time in a long time I can say that and mean it with my whole heart! Taylor is growing like a weed. She's such a big girl now. She is talking up a storm! She says everything. My favorite thing she says now is, "hold me please!" It sounds like "ho-me-peas!" It's precious. She loves animals, and blankets. She is becoming attached to her blankie. We love to snuggle up on the couch and talk. She's abig helper. She loves to help cook and unload groceries. She's not good at cleaning up yet though. She likes to make the mess, but not clean it up.

She loves to pray. She says, "God Thank you Jesus Amen!" It's the cutest thing I have ever seen. Sometimes it makes me cry. She is so smart, I know everyone says that about their kids, but she really is.

Work is fabulous. I really love my job! I work with great people. They are so much fun!

Jackie is just as good as always. He is so good to me and Taylor. Taylor loves spending time with him. He can make her laugh SO loud. They have a great bond. She always wants to be with him and see what he is doing. We are all three having a great time and just enjoying being together.

Well, finally I have gotten a computer and internet so I know I will update more often. Here are some pictures so you can see how much Taylor has changed.

Taylor playing with bubbles at the Credit Union picnic. She was so dirty after the picnic, but she had a great time and so did I! I just love her pigtails!

Our first bike ride. She loves to ride in this contraption! She looks out the little windows and just talks and talks. She takes off her shoes and puts them in the little compartments. It's so funny!

This is one of my favorite pics of us. It's a little old, but it's still cute!

Taylor and me riding the tram in Albuquerque, NM. It was a lot of fun. She loved the snow at the top of the mountain. She kept saying, "Wow!" as we looked out the windows.

Mommy and Taylor blowing kisses to Jackie. This was at the cross in Groom, TX. She kept pointing to the statues and saying, "Jesus." It made me so proud of her! Then we walked and had to sit on every single bench in the whole place. She loves to sit on things and then she says, "sit," and she wants you to come sit beside her.

This was the fourth of July in Oklahoma, with all Jackie's family. She had a great time. They had a blow up jumper. She didn't want to get out of it at all. She laughed and played and jumped all day. So, of course in Oklahoma you have to be an Indian. The feather was stuck in her little ponytail. It was adorable!!

This is crazy bathtime fun! I love her smile in this picture. She is such a happy little girl. She is so friendly. She says Hi to everyone! She thought her hair was so funny in this picture too. She laughed when she saw herself in the mirror.

This is Taylor climing the rockwall at church. She's about 12 feet in the air. She loves to do this. Jackie has a group of kids that he works with on Tuesday nights at church. They love to see her climb. She laughs and wants to keep going up and up. Mommy gets scared before she does. Jackie never takes her higher than I can stand. It's so cute to see them share this activity!

Taylor and the horse. She really liked this horse, until it neighed at her! It sacred her and then it wasn't any fun anymore!

The three of us before the picnic. I love all of our eyes in this picture. I took the pic myself. Taylor was smushed, and she didn't like it. But, it's a really cute picture.

She loves curly hair. Here's a great picture of her with curls. She is really good at sitting still while I put the rollers in her hair. She loves to dress up. She loves her purse, backpack, bracelets, and necklaces. She doesn't like headbands on her head, she puts them around her neck. It's funny!

I couldn't make this picture turn the other way. It's a great picture of her swinging. She has a swingset at my parents and she will spend hours out there on it. She says "wee and Wow" it's great fun!!

We are in Oklahoma City in Bricktown. We are riding the water taxi and she is talking on the phone her cousin Emma gave her. She loves the phone. Everything in our house is phone. Remote Controls, shoes, combs, anything she can find.

This is her first ride at Wonderland. She loves to ride the carousel. Once it stops she says more, more. She likes to ride one handed so she can wave at everyone as she goes by.

This is her goofing off. She has lots of teeth, but still gaps in them. It's funny when she shows them to you. It's a cute face, but I can't get a good picture of it yet. When she sees your belly, she tries to tickle you. She says tickle, tickle, tickle. Then she wants you to tickle her. It's a great game!!