Friday, August 31, 2007


Here are the latest pictures. I hope you enjoyed them!

The first post

Well, I have seen so many of these pages. I love being able to read what's going on in my friends and family's lives, so I decided Derek and I need to start a page for our little family. I know most of you will be reading to catch up on what is going on with Taylor, but I'll throw some details about Derek and me just to keep you posted!

It's amazing how fast the last seven months have flown by. Where has the time gone? She’s doing great, growing like a weed! She weighs 19 pounds and is 26 inches long. She’s in the 98th percentile in height. Derek and I wonder where that came from since we are both a little on the short side. Her hair has gotten a lot lighter and is now definitely brown instead of the black she was born with. She still has a head-full of hair! It’s really filled in on the back where she did lose a little bit from rubbing her head on the bed.

She’s rolling all over the floor now. Soon she’ll be crawling. She can move a little, so it will be any day now and Derek and I will be chasing after her! She’s eating all her fruits and veggies now. She LOVES squash, applesauce and cantaloupe. I’m excited about that last one because Derek is allergic, so now I have someone who can enjoy it with me! She’s drinking out of a sippy cup and has mastered drinking from a straw already!

She has a walker that she loves to play with. When we take it outside she can really move. She's starting to stand up longer. She's getting more balance, but is not showing any interest in walking any time soon. She seems much more content sitting up so she can see everything that's going on. She's so curious about everything that's going on around her. She loves to watch people's faces. She studies strangers and loves to talk to people. If someone walks by without talking to her, she gets a little sad face.

She's attached to Mommy and Daddy. If we walk out of the room she starts to cry. It made us feel really nice at first, but it gets really hard to do the chores around the house. Taylor helps us now. She loves to lay in the laundry and play while I fold it. She likes to play peek-a-boo with the washcloths.

She loves big bear hugs and to be tickled. She will love roller coasters because she loves to be tossed into the air. My sister, Whitney, taught her how to give high fives and Taylor always gives you a big smile and will give you one if you ask! She likes to play with spoons and will bang them on a bowl to make wonderful noise! She’s a great cuddler and has such a happy personality.

We took Taylor to the zoo here in town a few weeks ago and she really liked. The little zoo here was perfect. By the time we saw all the animals she was ready to go home. She did like the tiger and there was this other animal that we didn't know what it was. It just walked back and forth along the same path right along the fence. She loved to watch it. We made her first wish into the wishing well. It was kinda neat because I remember making wishes into the same well when I was a small girl.

Her favorite thing right now is playing in the water. She loves the pool and taking baths. She can make huge splashes. Derek and I get almost as wet as she does, but its great fun to watch her laughing! She would stay in the tub for an hour or more if she could. We let her stay until her fingers and toes are pruney.

Derek still loves his job at Bruckner’s. He’s still working nights. He always has interesting stories about the customers that come in. Two weeks ago I started working part-time in the morning for Amarillo Community Federal Credit Union as a teller. I really like it. It’s so nice to have that adult interaction and everyone I work with is so nice! I work in the mornings and Derek and Taylor get to spend some quality time together. Then, I get home and Derek heads off to work. It’s a good schedule for us because we don’t have to pay a babysitter.

My mom's parents are all moved in with my parents. It's been so nice to have them so close. Taylor is crazy about Mema. Probably because she spoils Taylor and always holds her. Taylor never has to sit alone for even a minute when Mom and Mema are around. But, I guess that's what grandma's are for!

We have a great church home here. On September 9th I’ll start teaching a kindergarten Sunday school class. Taylor loves the nursery. The ladies in there are so nice and love to cuddle her. They spoil her, but that’s ok, it’s supposed to be that way. We really like it there.
Well, that’s a quick update with all that’s going on with us. We pray lots of blessings on all of you!